When I was in college studying digital paint and animation, I was given an illustration project. I decided to paint a Christmas scene using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. It took me weeks. After I was done with the project, I decided to turn it into a book cover for Mrs. Claus Gifting Journal. It is now available on Amazon in paperback format.

If you like my digital artwork, feel free to check out my Digital Art Portfolio (it opens on a new tab). I’ve been writing books and drawing/painting artwork for many years. If you do illustrations, consider making book covers too! It’s fun and easy!
This Christmas Holiday journal cover features Santa Claus and Ms. Claus in their holiday cabin. The cracking fire in the fireplace sits beneath a set of Christmas stockings, a nativity scene on the mantle, and an American flag on the wall. A gray cat sleeps on the window sill in front of softly falling snow. A pink sofa features a blue throw with a mage from a video game. A genie lamp and necklace rest on a corner end table. Cookies and milk are waiting for Santa beside the sofa. A pretty decorative rug is laid beneath the sofa. Santa’s footsteps are seen on the hardwood floor as he shuffles presents beneath a decorated Christmas tree. A gramophone beside the tree place Christmas music. Candles are lit throughout the room for a warm ambience. Ms. Claus is in the kitchen taking more Christmas treats out of the oven. She is wearing a dress, an apron, and an oven mitt. The words JOY are decorated on the wall, and we see many wrapped gifts underneath the tree. A glow from the fireplace lights the right side of Santa Claus. The faces of Santa and Ms. Claus are obscured.
This Christmas holiday journal features lined sheets for note taking, recipe taking, gift ideas, and keeping track of your important thoughts, and ideas. Keep track of whose gifts you’ve purchased for Christmas and make notes of where you saw gifts on sale. You can write anything you want on these lines, including addresses of where you sent each gift! Never forget who sent you presents, who you need to visit, and what your friends would like for Christmas.
- Create your Naughty/Nice List
- Keep Track of Presents Sent & Received
- Make Notes of Important Dates
- Write Memos of Likes & Interests
- Brainstorm Christmas Ideas
- Stocking Stuffer Ideas
- Gift Ideas, Recipes, Party Decor
- Write Down Sales & Discounts
- Never Forget A Gift You Received
- Keep Track of Thank You Cards
- Invitation Lists and Seating Charts
- Remember Addresses & More!
165 pages, blank lined journal – full color. Green lines and colorful holly on each page. Mrs. Claus’ Holiday Journal is written in beautiful red letters on the top of each page.
Click here to get your copy today!

Dragon Sketchbook For Drawing This blank sketchbook is for artists who love to draw. The cover features a dragon and a red-haired female mage in a fantasy RPG scene. I illustrated the cover using Adobe Photoshop.
This blank paperback sketchbook has 165 pages and is great for all fans of dragons and the fantasy magical realm.